Deadmau5 4/23/10 CAC New Orleans


Last night Deadmau5 came to New Orleans. In a city like this, so absorbed in its own culture, shows like Deadmau5 give us a short glimpse into the state of North American entertainment at large, something that’s often too easy to overlook here. Swiss Chriss opened the show at the Contemporary Arts Center on Camp Street where the parking garage had been converted into a full on venue, complete with raised VIP platforms outfitted with white leather couches and fake-breasted waitresses. Unfortunately I was denied VIP after management pointed out that my khaki shorts clearly ran afoul of the “Gotti Standard” required for entry. Regardless I got hammered drunk and somehow ended up at the Galactic show at Tipitina’s. Successful night by all standards. See the rest of the PHOTOS

MP3: “High Hopes instrumental” – Onra

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